Confessions of a former op-ed editor: 5 things I wish I’d known
The do’s and don’ts of op-ed writing.
The do’s and don’ts of op-ed writing.
Kivvit is proud to announce that it has been named one of the Top 100 PR Agencies in the World and one of the Top 50 PR Agencies in the Country by The Holmes Report. The Holmes Report used fee income, staff size and annual growth, among other criteria, to assemble the ranking. See the
In an exclusive interview with CBS Chicago, Kivvit’s Managing Director Eric Herman discusses the recent attack ads from presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
By Kent Holland In the past twelve months I have been asked to moderate two law school industry conferences and have been honored to work with a variety of law schools. I’ve been impressed by the intelligence and willingness of some law schools to change and experiment with new classes and programs as this industry