Joseph Orlando
Joe has expertise in communications technology, commerce and consumer protection. His extensive committee experience enables him to effectively navigate complex legislative procedures and advance client priorities.
Before joining Avoq, Joe began his Capitol Hill career as a Senate page in 2012. After graduating from the University of Michigan in 2017, he worked as an intern in both the personal office and the House Energy and Commerce Committee office of then-Ranking Member Frank Pallone. In 2018, Joe returned to the committee, where he served multiple roles on the Communications and Technology Subcommittee and the Innovation, Data and Commerce Subcommittee.
Joe is a DMV native, born and raised in Bethesda, Maryland. He currently lives in Bethesda with his fiancée, Ellie, and goldendoodle, Rikki. Joe enjoys golfing, rooting for his local D.C. sports teams and walking down the Capital Crescent Trail with his fiancée and pup.