Sharing fact-based information on COVID-19

An unprecedented crisis requires all sectors of our society to come together to protect the public’s health. We’re proud of the work our clients are doing to inform the American public and help prevent the further spread of COVID-19. COVID-19: Focusing on Health Inequity Richard Besser, president and chief executive of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, wrote an op-ed for The

CSR That Resonates In The Age Of COVID-19 (And Why)

The global pandemic of COVID-19 has posed unprecedented challenges to American businesses: In addition to the operational, financial, and HR challenges, every business is navigating a moment that demands tactful, authentic communications with their employees and consumers. So many corporations have chosen to do their part to help fight the spread of the coronavirus that

Digital Advertising & Media Consumption Insights In The Age Of COVID-19

4 minute read Daily life has been upended and we can expect more change ahead, but digital advertising campaigns are demonstrating strong performance as Americans turn to digital platforms for information in record numbers.  An analysis of all Kivvit-managed Facebook campaign performance between December 1st and March 18th — collectively representing 33.28 million impressions delivered

Bold Advocacy to Lift Chicago’s Public Schools

There’s little argument in this country about the importance of educating our young people. Finding adequate funding to do so and an approach that works for each community is another story. The Chicago Public Schools system has unique challenges that require new ways of thinking. Enter Dale Erquiaga, president and CEO of Communities In Schools,

A National Memorial to Moms Lost too Soon

Did you know that with more than 700 moms dying each year due to pregnancy-related complications, the United States is now the most dangerous developed nation in the world to give birth in? Neither did we, until the March of Dimes, which advocates nationally for healthy moms and strong babies, asked us to help spread