Liz Doherty
Liz specializes in project management and operations, working with clients across a number of sectors. She ensures projects run smoothly and remain on time and on budget, and serves as a central contact among all teams working on a campaign. She also works extensively on firm-wide operational projects, focusing on financial health and processes and internal training.
Liz has project-managed several high-profile campaigns for some of the firm’s largest clients, including integrated 360 campaigns across the higher education, transportation and healthcare sectors, and industry events on Capitol Hill.
Before joining Avoq, Liz served as a senior associate for U.S. headquarters at Burson-Marsteller and as the executive assistant to the U.S. chief operating officer. Prior to that, she served as operations director for Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley’s political action committee, a congressional intern for Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and a policy intern in the Irish Parliament.
Liz is originally from Natick, MA, and is now a proud DC resident living in the Capitol Hill neighborhood.